Asseccoires Dock Bumpers Dock bumpers protect the building and the vehicle from potential damage. Wheel guides Wheel guides help vehicles to dock in the middle of the dock. Safety bollards Our safety bollards provide optimal protection around your loading bays. Traffic lights Traffic lights increase safety on and around the loading bay. Hurricane Fan Light The Hurricane Fan Light illuminates and ventilates truck trailers. Dock Number Plates Docks can be easily identified with number plates. Road Markings Road markings are applied to the ground of your loading bay and is often used in situations where there is a lot of traffic. Tail Lift Seal The tail lift seal provides optimum protection of the tail lift opening underneath the dock leveller. Corner Seals Corner seals improve sealing at the bottom of the curtain dock shelters. Safety Fences Safety fences may be used around the loading and unloading platform to “mark” dangerous areas and to protect personnel as well as material. Safety Mirrors The durable safety mirrors provide optimal safety around your loading and unloading area. Dock lights Dock light is used to illuminate the entire inside of the trailer. This increases safety during loading.